
In case in you hadn't noticed, both my blog and YouTube channel haven't been getting many updates for the last year or so. I had been hoping to make more progress with my videos and programming projects this year. I was starting to make some progress again, and was working on my next video when tragedy struck, literally. The long and short of it is that my mother passed away. We knew that it would happen someday, but neither of us thought that it would happen so soon. We figured it was 5 or 10 years out. Now I have to deal with the estate, and try to figure out what to do next with my life, as I had been acting as her full-time caretaker for years. I'm definitely not done with my channel, this blog, or my projects, but other matters will have to take precedence for now. If I finish up more videos, then I'll post them, but don't expect much for now.


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