
Showing posts from February, 2020

BASIC Wrangler Version 0.6.0

I've just released a new version of BASIC Wrangler here. I added tokenizer rules for Amstrad CPC, BBC Micro, Coleco ADAM, MSX, and Oric BASIC, and updated the renumbering routine with a tokenizer. The big news is that labels no longer have to start with an underscore! I also improved the Sinclair BASIC laziness features with automatic LET and GOTO after THEN insertion, so you don't need to worry about your programs failing because you forgot to add them. Conversely, it no longer outputs LET or GOTO after THEN for other BASIC dialects in order to save space. For the next version, I'm planning on adding support for long variable names, with automatic renaming down to a name that the BASIC dialect can use.

BASIC Wrangler Version 0.5.1

I've just released a new version of BASIC Wrangler here. This version was focused on making it available through pip from PyPI. If you have Python installed on your system, you can install it by typing pip install basic-wrangler . None of the external functionality should have changed. I've also changed the Windows installer to use a 32-bit version of Python, as 64-bit was kinda overkill.

BASIC Wrangler v0.05.0

I've just released a new version of BASIC Wrangler here. It took longer than I thought to get a stand-alone Windows version working with pyinstaller, but I managed to do it somehow. This version adds a few new conversion targets, and revamps the convert command's interface to be more like the renumber command. It'll also handle the whole annoying Commodore uppercase/lowercase thing correctly.