Yet Another Retro-Programming Blog

Yup, this is yet another retro-programming blog. And it shouldn't be too hard to guess what it'll be focused on: BASIC. BASIC was the lingua franca of '70s and '80s era computer. Almost every computer back then would start up BASIC when you first turned it on. The first lines of code many people wrote were in BASIC (usually with an infinite loop). It was really easy to code in, unlike many of the languages used today. And because you could run the code on almost any computer back then with what were usually only minor changes, it's not a bad language to start trying to write a retro game in.

This blog will chronicle my attempt to write an RPG in BASIC, assuming I don't get side-tracked too much with other projects. Thanks to emulation, it's possible to write it to work on many more computers than anyone could have dreamed of back then. Of course, BASIC has some annoying quirks, and I'll probably end up writing programs in more modern languages to help me write the code in BASIC. So, this won't be just about BASIC programming, there will be Python programming as well (since I can sort of program in Python.)

I'll try to stream as much of the process as I can on Twitch, (with streams being uploaded to my YouTube channel later.) Until then.


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