Overclocking the Raspberry Pi 4 for Fun and Games
This is the belated first part of a series of posts on getting a Raspberry Pi working with RetroPie for some sweet retro gaming. The Raspberry Pi is a fun, way too small computer that is great for all sorts of stuff, but especially for playing old video games with. It should be noted that I bought mine near the end of 2020, when they were actually available in stores. I also bought an Argon One Pi 4 case for it, and so it stays (relatively) cool when I overclock it. Unfortunately, I lost the piece of paper where I had the overclock values written down, and so I started over from scratch. The following process is how I figured out the overclocking values I'll use, and you can too if you follow along. This is aimed at the Pi 4 or 400, but some of it should be applicable to the Pi 3 and below with some tweaking to the numbers used. Be sure to have a paper and pencil handy for writing the speeds you've achieved down. The first thing you'll need (aside from the Pi and a case, o...