
Showing posts from October, 2019

BASIC Wrangler v0.02.0

OK, I've released version 0.02.0 of BASIC Wrangler. It's actually somewhat usable now. It also has a GUI, as you can see. It might be worth playing around with, but I'm probably going to end up rewriting half of it before I'm done, and so the formatting of input files will almost certainly change, which will require re-conversion of the files.

BASIC Wrangler v 0.01.0

I've finished up the initial release of BASIC Wrangler. You can find it here. It's very much super-alpha quality, and it probably only works with the Battle System Test, but it's a start.

Tool Writing, Part 1

When I started this blog, I said it not only be about BASIC, but also about other tools that I would write. Well, I've started writing one of those tools. It's a pre-processor called BASIC Wrangler.